Why should you go for camping across Nepal’s countryside?

We all know, Camping is one of the popular activities across world. Since Nepal is a tourism country, huge number of travelers visit this country every year. The good thing is, Camping is pretty much popular across those travelers visiting Nepal. So, if we try our best to create a tourism market across this activity then I believe, many locals could be privileged.  Not only people, number of destinations across our country could be promoted.  You can imagine the massive impact, it can create.  Nepal’s rural areas has a huge potential to be one of the best camping spots. Here in this article, we will discuss about why everyone should go for camping across Nepal’s countryside.

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Cable Car Ride in Pokhara

Taking a ride up from 822m altitudes from Sedi (Northern Lakeside), Pokhara to Sarangkot at an altitude of 1600m is an ideal catch for any traveler. It allows enjoying the breathtaking view, stunning mountain range and beautiful sunrise. Descents of 822m in altitude also summarize the thrilling cable car ride in Pokhara. Pokhara as a whole has many things to delight visitors. Adding this facility on a list, enhances the tourism experience across the city and around Sarangkot as well.

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