Potential of Water Tourism in Nepal

Water Tourism is a lucrative business that involves tourism across water-based activities. It was developed around the 1950s and coming to this period today, we see a lot of significant achievements.  The demand for water tourism is on the verge of increasing trend. It is all because of global urbanization and people’s desire for a thrilling experience.  In this article, we will talk about the potential of water tourism in Nepal and Pokhara.

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Apartment across Pokhara

We all know Pokhara is a popular tourist destination; many travelers visit this city every year, thanks to its beautiful environment. The surrounding of this city is so unique that whoever travels here fall in love in a second. The lifestyle of people is another, which fascinates many foreigners. The hospitality, locals offer is overwhelming. Their lifestyle is so simple that anybody can be inspired. Witnessing such qualities, every visitors prefer to extend their stay here. With a plan to stay much longer, they then start looking for an apartment across Pokhara.

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