Why should you go for camping across Nepal’s countryside?

We all know, Camping is one of the popular activities across world. Since Nepal is a tourism country, huge number of travelers visit this country every year. The good thing is, Camping is pretty much popular across those travelers visiting Nepal. So, if we try our best to create a tourism market across this activity then I believe, many locals could be privileged.  Not only people, number of destinations across our country could be promoted.  You can imagine the massive impact, it can create.  Nepal’s rural areas has a huge potential to be one of the best camping spots. Here in this article, we will discuss about why everyone should go for camping across Nepal’s countryside.

Nepal’s village has its huge popularity for the generous people, amazing hospitality, beautiful scenery, unique culture, traditions and many more. Few of those community are popular across travelers while many of the villages are still out of sight. This is mainly because of the lack of promotions.  Every village has a story, values and this is what, I believe are an important aspect for the tourism movement.  So as a whole, I see a huge potential for the tourism across every village. 

Why to go for camping across Nepal’s countryside?

Every village has a story

Many villages are somehow connected to the history and the old civilization.  In that sense, those villages are the good source to collect information and study about history, civilization, settlement and more.  While some of the villages share bizarre and weird stories, there are few villages which share amazing and inspirational stories as well. This shows how wonder and marvelous our villages are. 

Promotes responsible travelers

Responsible travelers are the one, who are more cautious about the local environment they are visiting. They care about the local people by supporting their cause like buying the local product. They prefer to be the part of local community participating the local cultures and their festival.

Nepal’s countryside offers beautiful hospitality, so whoever visits there blend themselves with the local community and its people.  I see, many of them volunteers with their skills and knowledge, which directly/indirectly helps to improve the lifestyle of local people there. I am glad, countryside offers this opportunity for any visitors looking for this experience while they travel.

Beautiful scenery, Green Forest and Peace

Nepal’s villages have a beautiful scenery and a green forest. Since there is no human settlement like cities, you can find greenery and peace everywhere.  As farming is the major source of income for most of the families across countryside, you could see a variation in cultivation across different seasons. This adds the colour that enhances the beauty of this villages. 

Chance to understand the lifestyle of local people, the culture and tradition very closely

Nepal’s countryside is the perfect destination to visit if you really want to know the local’s people lifestyle, their culture and traditions. Their lifestyle is so simple, inspiring and even surprises many visitors, who visit them.  Countryside people plays an important role to preserve their culture and traditions.  You should be aware that every village has their own culture and traditions. 

Promotes healthier environment

Countryside are the sources of organic products.  Many locals across countryside are engaged on an organic farming. Since there is no settlement like cities, they are not that crowded.  Large section of the villages is also covered with agricultural land and forest. Due to which, you can breathe a fresh air.  Fresh air, organic products, no pollution reflects the state of healthier environment.

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